Braised Lima Beans With Garlic And Dill

Braised Lima Beans with Garlic and Dill
I know what you’re thinking. Lima beans, really? I’ve been trying to minimize our meat content, both for health and economic reasons. The fact that I don’t always digest meat well is just a side benefit. Anyway, I found the original recipe (which is for fava beans) in a favorite cookbook and adapted it to what I could get my hands on at the time.
The original recipe, for the record, can be found in Najmieh Batmanglij’s Silk Road Cooking.
The big sticking point for me with this recipe was the fava beans, as in I couldn’t find any. They were badly out of season. I did find frozen lima beans, which make a good substitute for fava so I used them instead. My husband isn’t generally a huge fan of eggs, but they’re a good food to eat if you have any kind of anxiety disorder or insomnia issue so I decided to include them.
Everyone in the family loved this dish. The Spouse loves dill, so he barely noticed the eggs and had seconds of the whole dinner. The Zoodle loved everything, and the dill acts as a carminative so some of the less socially acceptable side effects of the beans decreased.
2 pounds frozen lima beans

Ingredients for Braised Lima Beans with Fava and Dill
2 tablespoons olive oil
20 cloves garlic, crushed
1 large bunch dill, chopped
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
3 cups water
2 tablespoons lime juice
4 large eggs
- Heat the oil in a deep skillet until hot.
Frying the ingredients
Add the garlic. Stir fry 1 minute. Be careful not to let the garlic scorch, because it will develop a bitter flavor and you will be sad.
- Add the remaining ingredients down to the turmeric. Saute 5 minutes.
- Add water. Bring to a boil.
- Reduce heat, cover, and simmer 15 – 20 minutes.
- Add lime juice.
- Spread the beans evenly in the pain.
- Break the eggs into separate parts of the pan, on top of the beans. Half-cover and simmer until the eggs are set, 5 – 8 minutes.
- Serve in the same pan or over rice.